Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random thought,

but hopefully you've been reading my blog long enough to notice that I looooooooooooovvvve a good deal, especially if it's combined with coupons or free shipping! However, there are some things that I just don't buy based strictly on principality (ie- chemically based air fresheners, certain frozen foods, you catch my drift) and whether or not I am actually going to use said product (ie- 10 boxes of paperclips!).  Same thing goes for gifts- I like to know or think that the recipient is going to love and use what we give to them, ya dig? I love to get things that I know I will use (or anyone else in my family).  I also apply this to contests I enter and surveys I sign up for, because I don't like to end up with a bunch of unused stuff in my already cluttered house!  I got tea and skivvies in the mail today! Both will get used for sure. At the same time, I got sunblock in a sampler box I recieved a few weeks ago.  I'll pass on the sunblock thanks. ;) So with this, I might put unused samples in a gift basket or donate to a shelter or a similar organization.

What do you do with free products that you don't use? 


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