Monday, December 20, 2010

still down.... but not out......

Hello Lovelies,
I am coming to you today from hubby's computer.  I would post pictures but I don't want to mess with his folders! Let me see if I can figure out how to post from my Blackberry....  I'm waiting on a friend of mine to save me from this madness! I need my pictures and documents!

Are you done with your Christmas shopping? I kind of shop all year.  I got some amazing deals on Amazon in the last two weeks that I couldn't pass up though.  Of course, I will be putting some gifts away for birthdays and other occasions.  Target has already discounted their Christmas trees by 50%! Really though? I'm sure Boxing Day ('day after Christmas') will be just as nutty as Black Friday.  Seriously.  There have been some crazy sales and deals- a lot of stuff even better than Black Friday!  I have had to be very disciplined! You would be proud! So do you shop all year for Christmas or do you wait until the last minute? Do you brave the 'after holiday' sales, or do you just take the sales as they come?


Dresses from Shabby Apple
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