Thursday, December 29, 2011


Lovelies, how were your holidays/holidaze? My December started with a most amazing and wonderful wedding, rolled into a Christmas with my family which included a visit from my big brother and his girlfriend and so far this week, I hung out with my Aunt and baby (ok, she is 22) cousin.  I can't complain.  S1 went to NY to visit his dad and stepmom.  I think he will be coming back a bit swagged (spelling?) out. LOL.  I am looking forward to making some changes in the coming year- I think some will be more challenging than others but I plan to write down goals this year.  I slacked on documenting these last couple of years and I really think it bit me in the butt because I've been feeling like I've kind of been rolling along, you know? Ready, set, bring on 2012!!


Dresses from Shabby Apple
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