Friday, October 29, 2010


Life with 4 is busy lovelies.  I tried to stay in the house for the traditional 6 weeks, but it has been virtually impossible, starting with S4's first pediatrician who sent us to the children's hospital ER (yes, ER) and to the cardiologist when S4 was just 3 days old.  So obnoxious because we knew exactly what was going on.  The ped just wanted to 'make sure' everything was alright.  I understand that, but don't be an alarmist.  I don't deal well with alarmists.
So yes, I have been to the grocery store, the second hand store, the park, S1 and S2's school and to my parents' house.  I have spoken to some of the lovely women at church and they specifically told me that they would fuss at me if they saw me (at church or anywhere) before my time to be out. It has been difficult.  I have been getting some kind of sleep, but not enough.  I feel ok, because S4 is getting into a routine but I am still kind of discombobulated because I stay up late anyway.  It's really a matter of me getting to bed earlier and trying to get some sleep in while she is sleeping. Wish me luck on that one!! LOL.
On the great side, hubby and I managed to get the garage organized and will be making a trip to the Salvation Army to drop off a load of donations. I will be going to the second hand store to drop off a load of trade ins.  It feels good to get that done.  We'll be tackling the office and kitchen this week.  If you don't hear from me within a reasonable amount of time, send someone over! Ha!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My shoes....


Lovelies, I bought a couple of pairs of shoes while I was pregnant with S4- a pair of Frye heels and a pair of Ugglebo clogs. Neither pair fit until today.  Oh my goodness. I didn't think that my feet had swelled up that much, that early! I bought the Frye heels about 3 months into my pregnancy and my heel was completely over the edge.  With the Ugglebo clogs, I couldn't get my foot in even halfway! Talk about sad.  I couldn't bring myself to return either work of art. ;) I was so happy that I ended up buying a pair of shoes today at my favorite 'buy new and used' store.  Lovelies, I scored a pair of olive green BCBG zapatos for..... wait for it........
$4.99!!!!!!! (but really free because I had a merchandise credit for items I brought in). Yes honey, ever so slightly used BCBG olive green heels. 

You have no idea how happy I am. Now I have to re-learn how to walk correctly in heels after being in flats for so long! LOL.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dealing with blues....

Oh lovelies, it has been busy since S4 got here.  As a matter of fact, I started to get the blues. Not full on depression, but blues. I felt like I was losing control- S1 and S2 had fall break last week, so the timing was bad because everyone was at home.  Everyone at home made things a bit overwhelming and I just wanted to sleep. Plus, S4's first pediatrician appointment did not get off on a very positive note (story for another post).  So I felt like all I was doing was nursing S4 and being a lousy mom to the rest of the crew including my dear hubby.  My oh-so awesome midwife called me and told me that her oh so awesome student midwife would bring over my encapsulated placenta and some dark chocolate for me within the hour. Mind you, it was already about 8pm....
Wait, what did I just say? Encapsulated. Placenta.  Yes I did. The practice of consuming one's placenta is called 'placentophagy.'  After S4 was born, I asked my lovely student midwife (and friend) to turn my placenta into something I could consume.  Why would I want to consume my placenta?  This is why.  Now, this is my first encapsulation experience.  Some women are able to eat pieces of their placenta bit by bit, but my husband would freak if he knew that I had my placenta in the fridge and I'm not sure I would have been able to stomach cutting off bits!  So, into caps went my placenta and my mood and general outlook on things have improved tremendously.  S4 is nursing like a champ and I feel a little more rested.   Ah, our ancestors knew what they were doing back in the day.  More info for you here and here.  It's not for everyone, so I highly suggest doing your own research.  I am very thankful that I had the choice and the opportunity to reap the benefits of such an amazing organ.  My placenta made about 72 caps!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Wordless Friday....

taken 9/27... my two youngest. ;)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can we chat a minute?

I have several things that are near and dear to my heart.  You've probably seen my posts on breastfeeding and birthing and babywearing.  Well lovelies, one of these freedoms is being threatened by none other than Consumer Reports and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) due to the irresponsibility of a big name company. 

Babywearing has come under scrutiny lately with the recall surrounding Infantino SlingRider 'bag style' slings.  There has been a lot of negativity and misconception about the benefits of  having your baby safely in a carrier.  Just yesterday, I found myself having to explain the difference between my SoulBaby NYC ringsling and the recalled Infantino!  The benefits of babywearing include bonding, calm babies, being hands free while having baby close, etc. The newly formed Baby Carrier Industry Alliance has been put in place by and for Babywearers to promote this ancient practice and to maintain safety standards both nationally and internationally.  There are so many amazing, safe and beautiful carriers out there lovelies, that I would hate to see them all disappear because of uninformed and negative publicity.  Please take a minute to check out the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (you can 'like' them on Facebook) and get the word out.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The quick and dirty version.......

Alright! I have a second!
Tuesday morning, my mw stripped my membranes and contractions started a couple hours later. They were pretty persistent and consistent by the afternoon, so I called my midwife back and got into the birthing tub. What a wonderful way to be! Chillin' in the tub.... MW at my house by about 6:45ish. Labored... labored... for what I felt like was forever. DH put some reggae music on and lit some really lovely candles. Felt like I was going to poop and was assured that it was probably the baby's head. Uh nope. poop. (sorry for the tmi). Right after the poop however I felt a pop. Seriously, I felt like I popped! My water broke and I could feel the baby coming. So I guess I pushed, and her head got stuck halfway out. All I knew then was that my MW had jumped in the tub with me and that dh was helping me up to stand. I pushed standing and with the MW's help, out came S4. Woo! No tearing thank heavens. Baby girl's torso was bigger than her head! LOL. All is well. She has no issues with nursing. 8lbs, 9oz, 20.5 inches long.

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