Friday, October 29, 2010


Life with 4 is busy lovelies.  I tried to stay in the house for the traditional 6 weeks, but it has been virtually impossible, starting with S4's first pediatrician who sent us to the children's hospital ER (yes, ER) and to the cardiologist when S4 was just 3 days old.  So obnoxious because we knew exactly what was going on.  The ped just wanted to 'make sure' everything was alright.  I understand that, but don't be an alarmist.  I don't deal well with alarmists.
So yes, I have been to the grocery store, the second hand store, the park, S1 and S2's school and to my parents' house.  I have spoken to some of the lovely women at church and they specifically told me that they would fuss at me if they saw me (at church or anywhere) before my time to be out. It has been difficult.  I have been getting some kind of sleep, but not enough.  I feel ok, because S4 is getting into a routine but I am still kind of discombobulated because I stay up late anyway.  It's really a matter of me getting to bed earlier and trying to get some sleep in while she is sleeping. Wish me luck on that one!! LOL.
On the great side, hubby and I managed to get the garage organized and will be making a trip to the Salvation Army to drop off a load of donations. I will be going to the second hand store to drop off a load of trade ins.  It feels good to get that done.  We'll be tackling the office and kitchen this week.  If you don't hear from me within a reasonable amount of time, send someone over! Ha!


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