Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let me introduce myself!

I am so excited to start this new blog.  I am looking forward to getting to meet like minded families who enjoy living green, saving money and having fun all at the same time.

My name is Abby and I married to a wonderful man since 2003.  We have three children, 2 dogs, 1 SUV and a mortage.  I thank God each and every day for all of them! I love taking pictures, upcycling, and all (ok most) things handmade.  I can hold my own with a sewing machine and for some reason, my creativity comes in spurts.

I have a store on at but it is currently unstocked.  Why? My creativity comes in spurts.  I do plan on stocking onesies and tees again at one point, but I would really like to give this blog a go.

Again, please bear with me as I get this blog rolling and as I figure out how to link the cool buttons on the above bar to some kind of significant information! ;)  Until then, here are some pics for you to enjoy!



Anonymous said...

Hey Abi..Althea was looking for a Marley shirt for Cruz...let me know if you can make me one as a Christmas Gift for him...I'm sure he's a 4T or 5T...
Gina B

Dresses from Shabby Apple
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