Monday, December 6, 2010

It's fun, fun, fun!!

Ohmygoodness Lovelies, I know I am old.  Sunday, I got home from a concert with S2, S3 and my neice at about 7:30pm and I was beat. However, this was no ordinary concert.  It was YO GABBA GABBA!!! The Party in My City Tour was in Phoenix this past weekend and we girls soaked it all in.  I think the kids were in awe in the beginning because they really didn't start dancing and singing until about halfway through.  We had amazing seats, thanks to Kia Motors and Michelle Sisco (PR).  There was lots of great energy while we were waiting for the show to start. We munched on free organic snacks and put on our DJ Lance glasses!
outside the theater

Of course, I had to be the fun mom/auntie and get the girls some light sticks to wave around- it's now Tuesday and these things are still going strong. LOL.

 We all channeled our inner DJ Lance Rock and went to town.  The Supermusic Friends Show was fantastic, the Dancey Dance was great- the 'peanut butter stomp' is a classic at my house.  However, hear me when I scream that BIZ MARKIE was there for Biz's Beat of The Day!! BIZ!! We (meaning all the parents my age) stared and grooved in awe as he beat boxed on stage then with a line of little kids.  I don't think the girls fully appreciated what Biz's beatboxing did to music. ;) I was secretly hoping that he would bust out with 'Youuuuuuuu, you got what I neeeeeeeeed! LOL.

Brobee came down our aisle! eeek!

Party in my tummy!

The girls chatted about the show the whole way home.  Hopefully they will remember this concert as fondly as I remember my mom taking me and my younger brother to kid concerts when we were young!  If for some reason they don't remember, I have TONS of pictures! ;)
tired, happy (trust me, they were!) rockers!


Dresses from Shabby Apple
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