Monday, December 27, 2010

still out!!! but back.....

Lovelies, I am coming to you from hubby's computer! I can't post the pics I want because they're eitheron my crashed computer or on my camera. Bah. How was your Christmas? We had a fun Christmas eve with my parents and a fun Christmas day with just the six of us.  Oh- did I tell you that 5 out of 6 of us (including S4) were in the Christmas play at church? It was fun. S4 played herself, S3 was a letter, S2 was an angel and S1 was a student playing a shepherd.  Watch out Hollywood! ;)

I went back to work today. You would have been proud because I didn't cry! Yay me! My mom even called to see how I was doing.  I thought that was super sweet.  Yay Mom!  When I got home, S4 gave me the biggest most wonderful, toothless smile ever.  So sweet! Next week I am back full time. eek!

I will continue to keep you posted as my computer dilemma drags on- hopefully not too much longer! Thanks for sticking with me!


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