Happy New Year Lovelies! My computer has still not been fixed, however I am keeping a positive outlook on this entire situation. As long as I can recover my pics and documents, I will be ok. :)
Anything special happen to you yet in 2011? S1 turned 14. 14!!! Where does the time go? S4 is such an awesome kid, great student and amazing big brother. I could not have asked for a better son, honestly. I am so blessed and so thankful!
Oh, so far so good on going back to work. It has been bittersweet for sure. I love doing what I do however, I love being home with my children more and pumping at work is not my most favorite thing to do, even though I have a great set up. *sniff* Time to buy some lottery tickets!
Have you made any resolutions lovelies? Yet again, I resolve to lose weight. I need to get back into my clothes! I have lots more resolutions but that's a post for another time! lol
I didnt make any resolutions, but I am working on my vision board. Yeh pumping is THE WORST job every. I mean its so much easier to just bust out a boob. On a positive note, at least you have your own office, because I had to pump at school. I had to find some randomly empty class room, with no locks, praying nobody bust in. Unfortunately many a men have almost seen my melons lol.
omgoodness Tia, I am sitting here LOL. I have however been walked in on in my own office!! hello, can you knock please! changing the air filter can wait! LOL.
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