Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's June.

What?? June?  I know it's June. It's hot out. I shouldn't complain because the weather was amazing in May.  Hopefully the monsoon season will come soon so that some of this heat will dissipate. 

Ok, so S1 starts high school summer academy tomorrow.  Does this count as high school? Do I need to get kleenex ready?  The classes are prerequisites and will earn him some credit.  Summer academy will also give him a chance to ease in to high school life... but really, does this 'count' as high school? 

Time has gone by so fast, lovelies.  Things are moving.  We need a bigger house.  I need a vacation.  I've made some new birthy friends.  I am excited to see what the next few months will bring.  I have so many projects that I need to get done; sewing, organizing, weight losing. etc. Seems like there is never enough time, but when I look up, time has flown.    


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