Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let's catch up!!

Lovelies, we have some catching up to do!  My younger brother got married and we schlepped the tribe all the way to the east coast.  It was an adventure! Everyone (including S4!!) traveled extremely well.  We had coloring books and snacks for the plane and everything went pretty well!  We got upgraded from a minivan to a Ford Expedition (yay!!), got lost from the airport to the hotel (we were turned around for a good 2 hours in the wee hours of the morning.  Not cool at all!).  We stayed in a big mansion with an amazing backyard but best of all, my brother looked happy.  He looked happy and relaxed.  I will admit that I was worried.  My big brother was able to make it and all was well with the world.  We were all together for a short while, but were happy to have shared in my little brother's day. 
As complainey (sp?) as he is, hubby told me that he really enjoyed himself, which caught me off guard because all he did was complain about the weather before we even left the airport after we landed! The Ss were in the wedding party and looked so awesome.  I was in the wedding party too, but after seeing the pictures, I know I have some work to do. (eek!).  The airplane we were on for the ride home was delayed, causing us to miss our connection and be put on standby, only to not make it onto the last flight out to AZ, thereby sending my entire family into semi freakout mode.  We got bumped to the next day's flight and were put up in a hotel and given food vouchers, courtesy of the airline.  Still plan on sending the airline a letter informing them of the inconvenience that we were made to deal with, with 4 children in tow!
Pics in a bit!  ;)


Tia Thompson said...

Im so glad you guys had a good time! And its comical that you managed to get freebies outta this too :P lol but I know it wasnt funny in the midst.

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