Friday, May 21, 2010

Nauseous preggos, lend me your eyes! (read this) Review & Giveaway!

Got your attention? Well lovelies, I know I am not the first preggo to experience nausea and the good people at Everedis Health Sciences have answered our cries with B-Natal.  Jennifer Cherry, president of Everidis Health Sciences made sure that you see that right on the box it states ''B-Natal is a non-prescription vitamin supplement for morning sickness." What? It's a Therapop! (in my case) How is this possible? Because B6 relieves nausea.  B6 is "recommended by the leading academy of obstetricians and gynecologists as the first line of treatment for morning sickness." Yes lovelies, this works!!! It comes in cherry flavored therapops or apple flavored lozenges.  I first tried this product when I started getting nauseous at the start of my pregnancy with S4.  One therapop and one lozenge came in a sample pack for new moms.  I honestly thought I was going to gag because I'm not a fan of cherry or apple flavored foods, but the relief came fast and the taste of both products was pleasant and not at all overpowering or unbearable. B6 has never tasted so good. ;)  Now that morning sickess is over for me, one great side effect that I discovered was that he also helps with heartburn.  Not sure if this is supposed to happen, but I will take it!  My midwife told me that B6 is also good for stress.  Bonus! Overall, I am pretty impressed with this product.  Thank you to MomSelect and Everedis Health for the opportunity to try your product.
 Now for the good part..... Still feeling queasy? Take a deep breath because the wonderful peeps at MomSelect and Everedis Health have generously supplied a box of B-natal cherry lollipops or apple lozenges (your choice) to giveaway to one of my readers!!

What you need to do first: (mandatory entry):
1. Visit Bnatal and tell me (in the comment section) which flavor you would choose!

Extra entries: please come back and leave your entry with a link in the comment section!
1. Follow me on Twitter @cdnexpat08.  If you already follow me, please let me know.
2. Follow Jennifer Cherry (inventor of Bnatal products) @JenCherryJen and leave her a link to my blog post!
3. Let me know what else you have tried to keep morning sickness and nausea at bay!

Ok, so in total you have 4 chances to win.  Contest will end June 11th and the winner will have 48 hours to respond.  Got it? Good.



Leigh said...

I'm entering on behalf of my SIL who's suffering horribly with preggo nausea! I think she'd choose the cherry lollipops.

Leigh said...

And I'm following Jen!

Leigh said...

And I'm following you on Twitter! I'm LittleBrownDog ;)

Momma Told Me said...

I'd pick the cherry pops!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Momma Told Me said...

I read that cinnammon is great for nausea in early pregnancy, such as natural cinnammon gum!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Momma Told Me said...

I follow you on Twitter-pyrodamsel
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

paulasue said...

I follow you on twitter @sexyknickers68 -

paulasue said...

I would pick the cherry, my favorite flavor!! :) Paula C.

paulasue said...

I am following Jennifer - -

paulasue said...

I retweeted @sexyknickers68 -

Anonymous said...

I would choose green apple! stef4916 @ yahoo. com

Anonymous said...

I try to keep crackers by the bed! stef4916 @ yahoo . com

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